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Promote a healthier work environment.

Weekly massage visits has made the staff seem happier and the staff look forward to it, myself included. Pamper Staff make a noticeable impact on the atmosphere and now Mondays doesn't feel too drab anymore.

-Jamie Exley-

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Looking after your team

With mental health and staff wellbeing at the fore front of companies' ethos and positive image, corporate massage is a profound way in which to look after staff members. 

It is a cost effective way to improve their happiness at work and, by reducing the symptoms of stress, has a strong positive impact on mental and physical health.


It increases work satisfaction which in turn can contribute to increased staff retention and productivity as well as better staff morale.

Image by Israel Andrade




3 Hours - £220     

4 Hours - £260     

5 Hours - £290     

6 Hours - £320

7 Hours - £350   

Prices are per therapist.

All prices are clearly listed above with no hidden fees.

We know how time consuming and inconvenient it can be to need to call up different companies to request prices so we've made it really easy for you.

The services are VAT free.

For promotional events and staff pamper days, (including yoga, mindfulness and reflexology) please get in touch to discuss your requirements.

Bookings for corporate onsite massage, office massage, business events and tv and film productions.

Terms & Conditions

  • The rates shown are valid from 8am - 10pm. Treatments outside of these hours are available, get in touch for more information. 

  • You will not be charged for the therapist breaks.

  • We will provide massage chair and couches. For Indian head or desk massage a chair with a low back will be needed so access to upper back and shoulders are possible. If you don't have access to those we can provide these with notice.

  • You will treat the therapist with due respect and dignity.

  • You shall make payment of fees (and additional travel expenses for jobs outside London, Bucks and Herts) immediately on the date Pamper Staff confirm acceptance of booking.

Practice Areas
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